Anna Bierler, Communication Design 

I’m an independent designer with an international portfolio, specializing in concept-driven design across a range of disciplines. My expertise includes designing websites, posters, visual identities, and art direction with a focus on cultural and socio-political issues. I collaborate with both institutions and individuals, bringing a sensitive and attentive approach to each project, emphasizing careful listening and dedication. My practice is multidisciplinary, spanning digital and print, incorporating publishing, bookmaking, and workshop facilitation, with a focus on typography, text, and legibility. 

Selected Clients and Collaborations
Extra Intra, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam NL
Artez, Arnhem NL
Sound Office, with Insa Deist, Rotterdam NL
Elio J Carranza, transmediale, Berlin DE
Snowblindness, published by Onomatopee, Eindhoven NL
Daisy World Mag #5, with Alix Stria, Amsterdam NL
Soothing Pants, Alice Slyngstad, Vleeshal, Middelburg NL
Graduation Show 2022, Melkweg, with Alix Stria, Amsterdam NL 
PUB Journal #5, Sandberg Instituut, with Alix Stria, Amsterdam NL
Life After Sandberg, Sandberg Instiuut, with Alix Stria, Amsterdam NLThe Rip of Venus, Mino Buonincontri, Milano IT
Say You Love Me, title sequence and subtitles, DFFB, Berlin DE
On Isolation, key visual, FHNW Basel, Basel CH
PUB Journal #4, with Michael Weber, Sandberg Instituut, Amsterdam NL

ArtEZ (Arnhem), Gerrit Rietveld Academie (Amsterdam), WdKA (Rotterdam), University of Antwerp, HfK Bremen
